Video Engagement Data

Our Video REST APIs give you access to data that makes up the Chartbeat Video Dashboard. Make an HTTP GET request to the endpoints below to return data encoded in JSON.

Video Engagement Data API endpoints are usable only to customers with our Video add-on integrated.

Top Video


This live API call returns the top videos on your site.

Query Parameters

    data: {
        items: [
                path: "video_content_id_12345", //The path that is being passed to Chartbeat to identify the video.
                stats: {
                    visitors: 3063, //The number of people who have loaded the video.
                    watching: 2736 //The number of people who have loaded this video and are watching now
                thumbnail: "", //The URL being passed to Chartbeat for the thumbnail image.
                title: "My Great Video!" //The video title.
                path: "video_content_id_09876",
                stats: {
                    visitors: 1695,
                    watching: 1523
                thumbnail: "",
                title: "Must Watch: The President Said What?!"
                path: "video_content_id_45678",
                stats: {
                    visitors: 1588,
                    watching: 1412
                thumbnail: "",
                title: "Our Top 10 Favorite Seinfeld Episodes"

Video Metrics


This call gives detailed information for a specific video. If no video path is specified, all metrics reflect the top results for the aggregate of all videos.

Query Parameters

        video_duration: {
                count: 13988,
                max: 11983253.3,
                sum: 2374541830.886638,
                min: 0,
                mean: 169755.6356081383
            count: 15242,
            unique_max: 2756,
                My Great Movie: 463,
                Watch Now: Live With Mr News: 173,
                Poll Predicts Landslide Victory: 799,
                New Video Shows Shocking Car Chase: 164,
                Hilarious Security Footage: 222
            unique: 2756,
            unique_min: 298

Last updated