Getting Started with our Headline Testing API
Get familiar with our Headline Testing API for fetching headline testing data with specified start and end times.
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Get familiar with our Headline Testing API for fetching headline testing data with specified start and end times.
Last updated
Our Headline Testing API endpoints can be used to retrieve active and archive headline test data for your site in JSON format programmatically.
The API can be accessed by users with "View Only" or "Run Headline Tests" permissions for a site, using an "all" API key.
API Key: To be passed in the HTTP Header with "X-CB-AK". You can create and access your API key here under your account settings. Make sure to select an API key that has access to all calls for your domain.
curl --header "X-CB-AK: <YOUR API KEY>" ""
The following parameters are necessary to include in all queries:
Raw data returns comprehensive details about each headline test.
Check out the next three pages of this guide to find all the information you need to get started using our Headline Testing API.
Parameter Name
API Key (see note)
NOTE: Your API key should no longer be set as a query param; instead, pass it in the HTTP header
The Site you are querying (site ID is usually your website's root domain).
Start Date
A valid date string in YYYY-MM-DD format.
End Date
A valid date string in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The timezone you'd like to run the query in a valid Olson timezone format, e.g. America/New_York.
Parameter Name
Status of the headline test. Choose from 'active', 'archived', 'all'. Defaults to 'all'. Note that this parameter is only available for raw data endpoint.
The number of rows you'd like to pull in your query. Large calls are susceptible to 504 gateway timeouts, so we recommend setting no more than 10,000 rows.
Test Type
Chose from "headline","image","headline_and_image". Defaults to "all" which includes all 3.