ID Sync

Chartbeat allows customers to send through custom data and fields in the form of a key value pair to link to other products or data sets in your ecosystem.

For example, with ID Sync you can parse your Google Analytics ID from your Google Analytics cookie and link it to our ID Sync variable in your Chartbeat code, then your Datastream data will contain your Charbeat data along with your GA ID as an additional data column in your feed. This data can now be easily mapped to and queried with all your GA data sources to get a comprehensive overview of all your data and help your Data Science and BI teams can create custom analyses that help inform company-wide goals.

Some of the common use cases of ID Sync include:

  • Parse IDs from other products: Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Data Management Platforms (DMPs), content management system (CMS), Ad platforms etc.

  • Customer IDs: You can send us a unique (defined in your system) customer identifier such as a hashed email ID or subscriber ID.

  • Page IDs: For websites that have unique Page IDs, this field would help you track sessions across different pages and match it with your CMS data.

With ID Sync, website owners can populate their Datastream feed with unlimited custom ID values via a few extra lines of JavaScript in our tracking snippet for standard websites.

Note: this additional JavaScript tracking configuration variable is supported by our tracking integration for standard websites and our native SDKs. It is not currently supported in our AMP integrations.

When you send Chartbeat custom data through ID Sync, this information will appear in your Datastream data feed files as id_sync. If using one of our reserved keys, that data will appear under ga_client_id or login_id (see below) .

Implementation for standard website

Adding custom metadata through ID Sync is simple. Within either the initial setup code for the Chartbeat tracker or in the loadChartbeat() function, specify the following:

_sf_async_config.idSync = _sf_async_config.idSync || {}; 
_sf_async_config.idSync.KEY_NAME = VALUE;

Note that the idSync variable specified above is a JavaScript Object, not a string, so be sure to specify it as such.

Implementation for native app SDKs

If using our Android or iOS SDK, please follow the instructions below to send custom data through ID Sync.

Android SDK

In order to send custom data you will have to instantiate HashMap and add key pair values.


private void setCustomData(){
  final HashMap<String, String> customData = new HashMap<>();
  customData.put("ga", "286243809.1415748215");
  customData.put("l", "login-id-123");
  customData.put("customKey1", "customValue1");

Note: ga and l are reserved keys (see below).


CBTracker.shared().idSync = ["ga":"286243809.1415748215", "l":"login-id-123","customKey1":"customValue1"]

Note: ga and l are reserved keys (see below).

Reserved Keys

There are two keys in the idSync object which Chartbeat reserves for special use:

  • Login ID (idSync.l) - A way to uniquely identify a user. You can set this to any value you would like, but we recommend you use a persistent ID that will not change. This data will be accessible via the login_id column of your Datastream feed files.

  • Google Analytics Client ID ( - This user’s Google Analytics Client ID. Used by Google Analytics to identify if different browser sessions came from the same user. This data will be accessible via the ga_client_id column of your Datastream feed files.

Google recommends that you not directly access the cookie analytics.js sets, as the cookie format might change in the future. Instead, you should use the readyCallback to wait until analytics.js is loaded, and then get the clientId value stored on the tracker.

ga(function(tracker) { = tracker.get('clientId');

Last updated